A Field Theory II



A Field Theory

Part I  continued…

Nuclear Physics Theory

 Quantum Field Lines

A Field Theory unifies the 4 basic forces, electric, magnetic, nuclear strong and weak.

Real Field Lines

These Spinning Field Lines {M} are radially formed between Poles, in a 3D fashion as the Ambient Field Lines that Do Not Propagate.

Quantized field lines.

Field Energy/Mass is Proportional to the Field Pitch.

The B fields spin in the same direction, from the center spin oppositely.

Experiment: To illustrate the Field Line Spin by Tracing a Compass Polarity around a Magnet. Magnetize an Iron Rod by Tracing A North Magnet Pole along it’s Length. The Rod is Magnetized Oppositely by Tracing A South Magnet Pole along it’s Length. Move a Compass Around the Rod from Pole to Pole. The Compass points North at the South Pole, points South at the Center and North again at the North Pole, the Compass Rotates 360 Degrees. The Field Line Spin is the Magnetic Polarity. Thus, Like Spins Attract and Opposite Spins Repel.

In the manner of the right hand spin of a clock, from the back it spins left.

On Earth a Compass Always Points to the Wrong Pole.

The M field Spins opposite the B fields.

Right and Left hand Field Line Spin is equivalent to North/South and Positive/Negative polarity.

M Fields link

Atomic Force Field

Atomic Force Fields

The Extraneous Neutrons and null Atomic     Magnetic B field.

IM000655.JPG Extranious Neutrons

1. These Natural Magnet assemblies {Opposite Pairs} do not Attract or Repel each other, the bounding Plates{Neutrons} Internalize the B Field, no External B Field is Measured. This is the Close Action, Strong Nuclear Force.

Teaching Aids:

GeoMagnets, Compass and Viewers…

Experiment: To illustrate the Internalized Magnetic B Field by forming a Triangle of Magnets{Protons] connected by Metal Spheres{Neutrons} arranged with no External Magnetic Fields at any Point. We conclude that the Magnetic Field still exist and is the Strongest of the possible arrangements.

To be Clear

Opposite Field Polarity occupy the same Space, in Binary Spin, Positrons and Negatrons Create the Magnetic Fields of the ‘Neutron’ and all Isotopes.

The B field nor the M field can be Measured, Gravity Measures do include the total Implosive Fields.

2. The Para-Magnetic Plates{Neutrons} Nullify {Internalize}the B Field.

3. Residual B Field can Capture Extranious Neutrons.

4. Gary Effect.

The Neutron’s M Field is produced by Positrons and Negatrons Spinning in the same direction. Thus the field has two polarities that occupy the same space measured as Gravity only. The Protrons odd Electron produces it’s Magnetic Polarity that can be Matter or Antimatter. The Earths’s Magnetic Field produces the Positive and Negative Shells that capture the Protrons and Electrons in separate Lobes.

Mass Defect

Radioactive Isotopes

From 20 Ca 44 onwards, Isotopes can acquire Symmetrically Paired Neutrons, “Hyper Mass Isotopes”. {Neutron Protron Ratios 70 Yb 176 onwards maybe Miscalculated, equivalent to the common Mass 4 Fizzle Product not Helium 2 He 4}

The Mass Defect is proportional to Neutron/Protron Ratios.

5. The Neutron Model mimics this arrangement, where Opposite Fields occupy the same Space with even # Electrons.

6. The Protron Model mimics the Magnets B Fields with odd # Electrons.

7. Hint: The Extreme Acceleration between Magnets is a Quantitative Measure of Field Spin Speed and Pitch.

Neutron Capture

Tritium and Helium

1H1, 1H2, 1H3  and  2He2, 2He3, 2He4

Geologic/Biologic Isotopes

Mass 3 Debate

Designating 1H3+ Ion as 2He3…

Oral History Hans Bethe He 3

2 He 3 is daughter of 1 H 3 +e-==>1 H 3+ Ion


Geologic Halogens

Both are Geologic, same Mass and 1/2 Life.

1 H 3+ -e==>1 H 3==>1 H 3+

Tritium Ion Battery

Orbital Electron Capture .019 MeV.

Chemistry link

Periodic Tables


Conservation Law

Energy can not be Created Nor Destroyed

Energy is the Magnetic Atomic Force Fields that Binds the Atoms, the Mass is the Condensed Electric Field of the Electron Capacitors. Atomic Spin is the Gyroscopic Mass/Energy that creates the Magnetic Fields.


The mass defect is proportional to the # of Neutrons.

Neutrons are Slave to the Protron Spin Speed, the Isotopes losing Relativistic Mass as Neutrons increase in numbers.

The 26 Fe 58, Hyper Mass Isotope Transition.

Nuclear Structure

Free Neutrons Decay to Protrons in 13 minutes, n* – e ==> p*

P–P Chain


Isotope Structure

Atomic Binding Energy

The Protron with it’s Nuclear Magnetic Moment Captures Neutrons.

Binding Energy increases with the number of Protrons.

Binding Energy Decreases with the number of Neutrons.

Stable Isotopes are Bounded by Neutrons, internalizing the Protron B Field.

Nuclear Fizzle link

Geologic Neutron Capture and decay

1 H 1 + n* ==> 1 H 2* {Dynamic/Diatomic}

1 H 2 + n* ==> 1 H 3 {1/2 life 12.33 yrs.}

1 H 3 + e- ==> 1 H 3+ Ion {aka. 2 He 3, 1/2 life 12.33 yrs.}

1 H 3 + 1p* ==> 2 He 4 + 1n* ==> 2 He 5* {unstable}

2 He 5 + 1p* ==> 3 Li 6 + 1n* ==> 3 Li 7

3 Li 7 + 1p* ==> 4 Be 8 + 1n* ==> 4 Be 9

4 Be 9 + 1p* ==> 5 B 10 + 1n* ==> 5 B 11

5 B 11 + 1p* ==> 6 C 12 + 1n* ==> 6 C 13

6 C 13 + 1p* ==> 7 N 14 + 1n* ==> 7 N 15

7 N 15 + 1p* ==> 8 O 16 + 1n* ==> 8 O 17

Biologic Neutron Capture and decay

p* + p* ==> 2 He 2* {Dynamic origin unknown} [biologic?]

2 He 2 + 2n* ==> 2 He 4

2 He 4 + 2n* ==> 2 He 6 +e- ==> 3 Li 6*  {Dynamic}

2 He 4 + 2p* ==> 4 Be 6 + 2n* ==> 4 Be 8

4 Be 8 + 2n* ==> 4 Be 10 + e- ==> 5 B 10* {Dynamic}

4 Be 8 + 2p* ==> 6 C 10 + 2n* ==> 6 C 12

6 C 12 + 2n* ==> 6 C 14 + e- ==> 7 N 14* {Dynamic/Diatomic}

6 C 12 + 2 p*  ==> 8 O 14 + 2n* ==> 8 O 16 + 2n* ==> 8 O 18

8 O 16 + 2p* ==>10 Ne 18 + 2n*==>10 Ne 20 + 2n*==>10 Ne 22

10 Ne 20 + 2p*==>12Mg 22 + 2n*==>12Mg 24 +2n*==>12Mg 26

. . . .

Dynamic Isotopes include:

1H1, 2H2, 2He3, 3Li6, 3Li8, 5B10, 7N14, 19Kp40, 27Co 60…



Pair Production

Neutral B field, even positrons and negatronsNuclear Electrons

Universal Symmetry

Opposite fields occupy the same space.

Quarks can have  -1, 0, or +1  Electron Volt Charge, Spiral Arms.

[Not -[1/3, 2/3, etc…]

  1. The spinning electrons create the magnetic field of opposite polarity that is only measured as gravity.

Odd Nuclear Electrons of the Protron form the Nuclear Magnetic B Field.

The Spin Energy of the Cosmic Background Radiation Drives Nuclear Spin, Neutron Decay.

Orbital Electrons Govern the Nuclear Spin Speed and suffer Centrifugal Force.

Neutrons are Slave to the Protron Spin Speed, the Mass Defect.


Seyah’s Quantum Tables

Quantum Tables

Teaching Aids:

Isotope Tiles, Posters and Chemistry…

Quantized Field Lines


Appendix_1 cold fusion

Some misconceptions in nuclear theory

1- Isotopes are of two types, Geologic and Biologic. The Geo. have a proton core {Tritium}and Bio. have a paired proton core{Helium}.

The Helium 4  released due to Fision of Biologic Isotopes is not Classic Fusion.

2- [That ‘Nucleons have no Electrons’.] wrong!

 Neutrons have 1836 Positrons and Negatrons in Binary Spin.

The Neutron decay to Matter or AntiMatter as a Protron, positive or negative in 13 minutes with it’s Magnetic Field.

3- Quarks decay by Positron-Negatron annihilation ==>Gamma 1.02 Mev.

4- Neutron Capture requires the Protron external Nuclear Magnetic Moment.

5- Protrons Capture any Isotope by it’s Magnetic Moment.

6- Extraneous High Mass series Isotope Neutrons are lightly bound.

Low Energy Neutrons are available from high mass natural Isotope examples.

Carbon 6 C 14==> -2n*==>6 C 12

Oxygen 8 O 18==> -2n*==>8 O 16

Chlorine 17 Cl 37==> -2n*==>17 Cl 35

Regardless of 1/2 life, this happens all the time.


Transmutations by Spectrum Waves, Cosmic or Otherwise.


Cold Fusion

All Transmutations except Protron Fusion.

An impossible Invention

Full Paper

Swedish scientists claim LENR explanation break-through



US Navy 2009

US Security Report

Tesla et.al.




Wave Mechanics

Part II  continued…

Rotational Waves

 *Work in Progress*

Light Waves

Spectrum Waves are Rotational

Torsional Wave
Felex Ehrenhaft

The Violet wavelet contacts the prism more often than the Red.

Rotational Spin Speed is 2X Faster than the Linear Wave Speed of Light.

Higher Frequency and Shorter Wave Length.

Optimal X* Angle

A wave is a rhythmic disturbance through a medium.

Teaching Aids:

Prisms, Lenses and Polarizers…

Wave Spin, Deflection and Mirrors

First and Second HarmonicsColor Wheel

At 550 THz, the light element is Ionized and can not produce Higher Frequencies

UV catastrophe frequency

Field Quantum

Field Mechanics

Light is emitted by matter under light, not reflected like a mirror.

  1. Electrons emit light frequency proportional to the impinging light.
  2. Electrons acquire the exact spin energy of impinging light.

    Outer Orbital Oscillations

  3. Equatorial View

    Pauli Exclusion Principle Geologic/Biologic Series Isotopes

    Van Allan Model {Magnetosphere}

  4. Orbital Electrons are Trapped in the Nuclear Magnetic M Field as well as the Electrostatic Attraction to the Nucleus and the Electrostatic Repulsion between the Electrons. The Polar View appears as the Electron Cloud.
  5. The Ground State is the same position as the Equitorial Rings of Saturn, Lunar Orbits, Planetary Plain and Galactic Plain etc…By the same Force that Traps the Protons and Electrons in the Van Allan Belts.

    Escape Velosity

  6. Electrons Orbit Around the Nuclear Equator with Synchronous Spin. With Impinging Spectrum Wave Energy Spin, they Oscillate Up/Down in Spiral Motion in it’s Magnetic Lens/Bottle.

  7. Outer Orbital Oscillations produce the harmonic emissions we see.
  8. Electrons acquire the spin speed energy of the impinging rotational light waves.
  9. Electrons oscillate in the magnetic field lens/bottle through/to the ground state.
  10. Electron Configuration determines Spectrum Color Emissions.
  11. We perceive color as averaged wave length/frequency.
  12. White Light is 550 Nm./THz. exactly.{Meter Correction .002%}
  13. Impinging Light can cause the Electron to Quantum Jump Field Lines by Magnetic Pinching as Absorption/Emission Lines.
  14. No Light Particle or Wave Function required.
  15. UV Catastrophe/Photo Electric Effects…

    Teaching Aids:

    Prisms, Lasers and Electroscopes…

Photo-Electric Effect

Imagine a wire that is 6 hundred thousand kilometers long. Connect a bulb in the middle of it such that each end is now exactly three hundred thousand kilometers away from the bulb. Now, connect the two ends with a powerful cell. What do you think will happen? How long will the bulb take to glow after connecting the ends to the cell ?

Bulb won’t glow instantaneously​, but exactly one second after the connection is made. That’s because electric field will travel along the length of wire with the speed of light. That’s the speed of all Spectrum Waves.

This is another proof, “electric currents are spectrum waves, not migrating electrons.”

The Polarized Conductor Field is Transparent to UV Waves, different depending on the Metal.

Thus, electric currents are UV waves. Further, in 1927, Bell Labs proved the CRT emission are X Ray Waves not Electrons.

Thus, as shown previously, “the electron Microscope is an X ray Microscope.”

  1. Mystical Physics of ‘Spooky Action at a Distance’

    Light is not a Particle!

  2. Electric Currents are Spectrum Waves in the Polarized Medium.
  3. Electron Configurations

    Geo/Bio S ORBITALS

    The exclusion Principle, by the Electrostatic Repulsion of Electrons

    With the advent of the Geologic and Biologic Table, the Orbital sequence becomes symmetrical. The 3/4 orbital overlap is gone, shown above.

  4. Biologic Isotope Field is 2X the Geo. Field Strength, filling the S Orbital.
  5. Quantum Theory ‘Assumes’ no Geologic S Orbital[spin rules!]

Van Allen Model

The Mysterious Quantum Jumps!

The Pinching Field Bottle, Seamlessly Jumps Field Lines.

Quantized Field Lines


Occum’s Razor



Energy Transfer

Emissions and Absorbtion

  1. A CRT Tube Emits X Rays, not Electrons.{Bell Labs 1927}
  2. Orbital Electrons Oscillate in the Orbital Magnetic Lens.
  3. Electron Emissions are those that Break Out of the Orbital Field Lens. All or Nothing, proportional to Impinging Wave Energy.
  4. The Electron Microscope is an X Ray Microscope. A Gamma Wave Microscope will be better![pic.]
  5. Waves Polarize a Medium.
  6. Fields are the Medium for Spectrum Waves.
  7. The Medium Dictates any Wave Speed, as light is absorbed directly from the medium the speed is always that of Light. Thus, the conundrum of the last 100 years are caused by the denial of the Aether Medium. Expounded by Tesla et.al. and finally by Einstein in 1944.
  8. Fields Permeate all matter and the Universe as the Background Radiation average, recorded avg. as 2.73 deg. kelvin.



Field Mechanics

Part III continued…

The Field Medium

Tesla’s Coils

Atomic Polarity

Charge transfer is Field Spin Polarity, not Electrons.

Spectrum wave current of high voltage from the induction coil jumps the spark gap that prevents return flow. The atomic polarity of the sphere produces the capacitors’ fields. C 2 is ground to C 1 and the earth is ground to C 2. The explosive field capacitance of a sphere is only limited by its’ proximity to a ground.

A sphere capacitor or electron can be charged positive or negative with right or left hand field spin.

Teaching Aids:

Van De Graffe Generators, Compass and Coils…

Field spin and Polarity

L-C Circuits



“Any Device that can Hold an Electric Charge” Faraday 1850.


Hollow Spere
Electron Capacitor

The thickness of wire nor plates make any difference. It is the Number of Turns/length of wire and Area of Plate/Sphere that determines Capacitance. The closer the plates the shorter the Pitch, the shorter the wave length and higher the Energy.{Casimir Effect}

Field Density and Pitch

Magnetic Fields Collapse at the Speed of Light one field line at a time.

Force Vectors

     A collapsing Field causes Electric Current Energy as Spectrum Waves, in the manner of Light through a Fiber Optic cable at the Speed of Light, in a copper wire.

Tesla Coils


Lightning and Sparks

The Discharge Plasma{to Ground} is composed of I.R. , Light Waves, U.V. and X.Ray Waves. The Electrons [plasma]are a consequence of Low Ionic Bond Energies.

The CRT produces I.R. Waves that are transformed to Light, U.V. and X Rays, by the Field between Tube Terminals.

Ground is the Capacity of Matter to Absorb and Hold Wave Energy as Atomic Field Charge Polarity. A Capacitor has this same function with it’s Atomic Fields.

Action at a Distance


  1. Electric currents are Spectrum waves.
  2. Electrons are capacitors, do not propagate through a wire, as the capactors in your transistor radio, do not propagate through it’s circuit.
  3. Charge is stored as Field Polarity as the L-C circuit illustrates.
  4. Electron Orbitals are of the Van Allen Model.
  5. The Orbital Magnetic Lens Trap Electrons.
  6. Orbitals are governed by the Pauli Exclusion Principal, Electron electrostatic repulsion.
  7. Van Allan Model
  8. Geo/Bio Orbital Groups

The Orbital Electrons escape by Pinching Out at the Poles.[Northern Lights]

They may only pinch up a Level then fall back …[Quantum Mechanics]

They Always Oscillate Up and Down in Day Light or High Temperature…”slippery suckers!” Seyah 2006.

Quantum Orbitals


Spinning Field Lines

Field Medium Attributes

Field Line Spin Attract and Repel.


Magnetic Fields are Implosive, causing Gravity.


Electric Field Charges are Explosive, electrostatic repulsion causing Discharge.


Changing{Collapsing}Fields Produce Spectrum Wave [Electric] Currents.

Speed of Light

Unification of Electric and Magnetic Fields

Right and Left Spin is equivalent to North/South and Positive/Negative.

  1. Field lines never cross, parallel lines repel.
  2. Field lines are in pairs as the Double Helex.
  3. Field lines always Spin and do not Propagate.
  4. Fields have Gyroscopic Mass.
  5. Electron Capacitors is the Field Mass to Matter Mass Transition.
  6. M Fields form between Electric charges and Magnetic poles.
  7. Spectrum Energy Waves Polarize A Fields in Space.
  8. A Fields are the Medium for Spectrum Waves.
  9. Like Spins Attract, Opposite Spins Repel.
  10. Action at a Distance, fields permeate all space, all matter contact is field interactions.
  11. Induction… The ability to influence matter, waves, and fields at a distance by motion, polarity and spin …

  12. The Field Quantum Medium

    Field Mass/Energy is proportional to the Field Pitch.

    Force Vectors

  13. Quantum Field Pitch is Proportional to Wave Length and Frequency

  14. Field Pitch about a Charge or Magnet is Proportiona to thier Strength.



Part IV continued…



There is no Rest Mass

Force Vectors

Similar to the Electrons, Neutron, Atoms, Stars and Galaxies, the Center of the Universe produces the orbital fields that are the galactic orbitals.

Galactic Magnetic Fields

Collapsing Magnetic Fields Create Birkeland Electric Currents in Space.

Binary Spin

Space Time and Motion are Absolutes

Each depends on the existence of the others.



Van Allan Model

Electron Spin is Right or Left Hand

Electron Motion is Up and Down

Equatorial View

Quantum Mechanics Electron Spins

The Absorption / Emission by Orbital Electron Lensing

Electrons Absorb the Exact Spin Speed Energy of Impinging Visible Light, Spins Up and Down in its Magnetic Bottle to the Ground State, Emitting the Exact Wave Energy Absorbed. IR Waves cause the Characteristic Emissions of the Elements. UV Waves cause the Electron to Pinch Up in Energy Level or Pinched Out of Orbit.

Occum’s Razor

Electrons are Particles

No Wave Function Required

The Atomic Force Field is Compressive[Implosive], Orbitals rely on the Pauli Exclusion Principle, Electron Electrostatic Repulsion, forming the Periodic Groups.

Double Helex

Quantum Field Lines

Field Polarity

Advanced Studies

Right and Left Hand Spin

Right and Left Hand Motion

Right and Left Hand Waves

Y growth   ==>DNA<==   X growth


North and South Polarity

Positive and Negative Polarity

Positrons and Negatrons

Smoke and Mirrors


Light is not a Particle.

The Quantum Medium

  As with the water wave, the mass/energy is the water.

As with sound waves, the mass/energy is the air.

As with spectrum waves, the mass/energy is the aether.



A Field Theory III



Part V

Rotation in Space

The Nature of Gravity

M Fields



Seyah Academy.ca


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